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Sons of Liberty is a non-profit organization founded by Jerol Gohrick of McGregor, ND and Tim Heuer of Noonan, ND in response to the deterioration of Our Country and the injustices being inflicted on Its citizens. The Sons of Liberty operates exclusively for/to increasing public awareness of local, state & federal government infringing on the Constitutional rights, Freedoms and Liberties of its people; to support and conduct nonpartisan research, educational and informational activities to increase public awareness of issues in constitutional protection and restoration; to sponsor reports, meetings and workshops to strengthen political organizations; Patriotic activism that will protect and defend our security as a Nation- nothing is more important than protecting the very essence of what is America. It is our responsibility as citizens of this great Nation "to act" as we model and support the Freedom of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. The devotion and loyalty to Country, and willingness to be "voices of dissent" to "freely" offer an opinion and perspective that differs from the empowered, or even from the majority. It is a fundamental tenet of our democracy that ALL HAVE A VOICE, with due regard and respect for the rule of law. This is what we stand for: National Pride...We Love Our Country / 2nd Amendment / State's Rights / Voter ID / Limit Big Government / Poll Watchers /Fair Media / Lower Taxes / Keep the Country Open & Close the Southern Border

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